Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes




Internet‐based versus face‐to‐face Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for parental psychological flexibility.

Revista Científica: Current Psychology
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Flujas-Contreras, J.M.; García-Palacios, A.; Castilla, D., Gómez, I.

Effectiveness of a universal personalized intervention for the prevention of anxiety disorders: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial (the prevANS project).

Revista Científica: Internet Interventions
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Moreno-Peral, P., Rodríguez-Morejón, A., Bellón, J. A., García- Huércano, C., Martínez- Vispo, C., Campos- Paíno, H., Galán S., Reyes-Martín, S., Sánchez Aguadero, N., Rangel-Henriques, M., Motrico, E., & Conejo- Cerón, S.

A personalized intervention to prevent depression in primary care based on risk predictive algorithms and decision support systems: protocol of the e-predictD study.

Revista Científica: Frontiers in psychiatry
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Bellón, J. A., Rodríguez- Morejón, A., Conejo- Cerón, S., Campos- Paíno, H., Rodríguez- Bayón, A., Ballesta- Rodríguez, M. I., Rodríguez-Sánchez, E., Mendive, J. M., López Del Hoyo, Y., Luna, J. D., Tamayo-Morales, O., & Moreno-Peral, P.

Effectiveness of social support- based interventions in preventing depression in people without clinical depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Revista Científica: The International journal of social psychiatry
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Campos-Paíno, H., Moreno-Peral, P., Gómez-Gómez, I., Conejo-Cerón, S., Galán, S., Reyes-Martín, S., & Bellón, J. Á.

Randomized controlled trial for selective preventive transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk for emotional disorders.

Revista Científica: Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Vivas Fernandez, M., Garcia Lopez, LJ., Piqueras, J.A. et al.

Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Spain: A Survey Study.

Revista Científica: The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Pineda, D., Muris, P., Martínez-Martínez, A., and Piqueras, J. A.

Experience sampling methods for the personalised prediction of mental health problems in Spanish university students: protocol for a survey-based observational study within the PROMES-U project

Revista Científica: BMJ Open
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Portillo-Van Diest A, Ballester Coma L, Mortier P, et al

Assessing Emotional Distress in Adolescents: Psychometrics of the Spanish Version of the Social Emotional Distress Scale-Secondary.

Revista Científica: Child Youth Care Forum
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Rodríguez-Jiménez, T., Vidal-Arenas, V., Falcó, R. et al.

Let’s Talk About Suicide Spectrum in Spanish Adolescents. “Prefer not to say”: Missing Value or Clinical Data?.

Revista Científica: Psicothema
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Falcó, R., Piqueras, J. A., Moreno- Amador, B., Soto- Sanz, V., & Marzo, J. C.

Do Testosterone and Cortisol Levels Moderate Aggressive Responses to Peer Victimization in Adolescents?

Revista Científica: Development and Psychopathology.
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Calvete, E. & Orue, I.

Emotional problems in preschool and school-aged children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Spain: EPINED epidemiological project.

Revista Científica: Research in Developmental Disabilities
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Morales Hidalgo P, Voltas Moreso N, Hernández Martínez C, Canals Sans J.

Anthropometric status of preschoolers and elementary school children with ADHD: preliminary results from the EPINED study.

Revista Científica: Pediatr Res.
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Rojo Marticella M, Arija V, Morales Hidalgo P, Esteban Figuerola P, Voltas Moreso N, Canals Sans J.

Technology-facilitated sexual violence perpetration and victimization among adolescents: a network analysis.

Revista Científica: Sexuality research and social policy
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Gámez-Guadix, M., Sorrel, M. A., & Martínez-Bacaicoa, J.

Stability of the online grooming victimization of minors: prevalence and association with shame, guilt, and mental health outcomes over one year.

Revista Científica: Journal of Adolescence
Fecha: 2023
Autor/es: Gámez‐Guadix, M., Mateos‐Pérez, E., Alcázar, M. A., Martínez‐Bacaicoa, J., & Wachs, S.

Relation between psychological flexibility, emotional intelligence and emotion regulation in adolescence.

Revista Científica: Current Psychology
Fecha: 2022
Autor/es: Cobos-Sánchez, L., Flujas-Contreras, J.M. & Gómez, I

A growth mindset intervention to promote resilience against online peer victimization: A randomized controlled trial.

Revista Científica: Computers in Human Behavior
Fecha: 2022
Autor/es: Calvete, E., Orue, I., Echezarraga, A., Cortazar, N., & Fernández-González, L.

Maternal iron status during pregnancy and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in 7-year-old children: a prospective cohort study.

Revista Científica: Scientific Reports
Fecha: 2022
Autor/es: Díaz López A, Canals Sans J, Julvez J, Fernandez Bares S, Llop S, Rebagliato M, Lertxundi N, Santa Marina L, Guxens M, Sunyer J, Arija V.

Do children with autism spectrum disorders eat differently and less adequately than those with subdiagnostic autistic symptoms and typical development? Epined epidemiological study.

Revista Científica: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Fecha: 2022
Autor/es: Canals Sans J., Esteban Figuerola P., Morales Hidalgo P., Arija V.

Assessing image‐based sexual abuse: Measurement, prevalence, and temporal stability of sextortion and nonconsensual sexting (“revenge porn”) among adolescents.

Revista Científica: Journal of Adolescence
Fecha: 2022
Autor/es: Gámez‐Guadix, M., Mateos‐Pérez, E., Wachs, S., Wright, M., Martínez, J., & Íncera, D.

Use of a personalised depression intervention in primary care to prevent anxiety: a secondary study of a cluster randomised trial.

Revista Científica: The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Fecha: 2021
Autor/es: Moreno-Peral, P., Conejo-Cerón, S., de Dios Luna, J., King, M., Nazareth, I., Martín- Pérez, C., Fernández- Alonso, C., Ballesta- Rodríguez, M. I., Fernández, A., Aiarzaguena, J. M., Montón-Franco, C., & Bellón, J. Á.

Health-economic evaluation of psychological interventions for depression prevention: Systematic review.

Revista Científica: Clinical psychology review
Fecha: 2021
Autor/es: Conejo-Cerón, S., Lokkerbol, J., Moreno- Peral, P., Wijnen, B., Fernández, A., Mendive, J. M., Smit, F., & Bellón, J. Á.

Effects of a Brief Preventive Intervention in Cyberbullying and Grooming in Adolescents.

Revista Científica: Psychosocial Intervention
Fecha: 2021
Autor/es: Calvete, E; Cortazar, N., Fernández-González, L., (...); Orue, I.

Unraveling cyber sexual abuse of minors: Psychometrics properties of the Multidimensional Online Grooming Questionnaire and prevalence by sex and age.

Revista Científica: Child Abuse & Neglect
Fecha: 2021
Autor/es: Gámez-Guadix, M., De Santisteban, P., Wachs, S., & Wright, M.

Willingness and Action Measure for Adolescents: Psychometric validation in Spanish adolescents.

Revista Científica: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
Fecha: 2020
Autor/es: Cobos-Sanchez, L; Flujas Contreras, JM (AC); Gómez, I.

Spanish validation of the Parental Acceptance Questionnaire (6-PAQ).

Revista Científica: International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Fecha: 2020
Autor/es: Flujas-Contreras, JM.; García-Palacios, A; Gómez, I.

Mediators in psychological and psychoeducational interventions for the prevention of depression and anxiety. A systematic review.

Revista Científica: Clinical Psychology Review
Fecha: 2020
Autor/es: Moreno-Peral, P; Bellón, JA; Huibers, M; Mestre, JM; García-López, LJ; Taubner, S;  Rodríguez- Morejón, A; Bolinski F; Sales, C; Conejo-Ceron, S.

The Effect of an Intervention Teaching Adolescents that People can Change on Depressive Symptoms, Cognitive Schemas, and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hormones.

Revista Científica: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Calvete, E.; Fernández González, L.; Orue, I.; (…) & Yeager, D. S.

Technology-based parenting interventions for children’s physical and psychological health: a systematic review and meta- analysis.

Revista Científica: Psychological Medicine. Cambridge University Press
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Flujas-Contreras, JM; García-Palacios, A; Gómez, I

Una mirada hacia los jóvenes con trastornos de ansiedad. Monográfico “Promoción de la salud y bienestar emocional en los adolescentes: Panorama actual, recursos y propuestas”.

Revista Científica: Revista de Estudios de Juventud, editada por INJUVE/Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Espinosa-Fernandez, Lourdes; Garcia-Lopez, Luis Joaquin y Muela- Martinez, Jose Antonio

Parenting practices and adolescent social anxiety: A direct or indirect relationship?

Revista Científica: Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Gomez-Ortiz, O; Romera, EM; Jimenez-Castillejo, R; Ortega-Ruiz, R; Garcia- Lopez, LJ.

Dispositional Mindfulness Profiles in Adolescents and their Associations with Psychological Functioning and Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Hormones.

Revista Científica: Journal of Youth and Adolescents
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Calvete, E., Fernández- González, L., Echezarraga, A., Orue, I.

Longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between sexting, online sexual solicitations, and cyberbullying among minors.

Revista Científica: Computers in Human Behavior
Fecha: 2019
Autor/es: Gámez-Guadix, M., & Mateos-Pérez, E

Exploring the role of the DSM-5 performance-only specifier in adolescents with social anxiety disorder.

Revista Científica: Psychiatry Research
Fecha: 2018
Autor/es: Fuentes Rodriguez, Gema; Garcia Lopez, Luis Joaquin; Garcia Trujillo, Veronica.

Psychometric properties of the social anxiety subscale of the Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5- I-SAD) in a clinical sample of Spanish-speaking adolescents.

Revista Científica: Journal of Affective Disorders
Fecha: 2018
Autor/es: Fuentes-Rodriguez, Gema; Sáez-Castillo, Antonio José; Garcia- Lopez, Luis Joaquin.

Optimal Cut-Off Score of Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory-Brief Form.

Revista Científica: European Journal of Psychological Assessment
Fecha: 2018
Autor/es: Garcia Lopez, Luis Joaquin; Beidel, Deborah; Muela Martinez, Jose Antonio; Espinosa Fernandez, Lourdes.

Social Anxiety and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescents: Relation with Peer Victimization, Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation.

Revista Científica: Child Indicators Research
Fecha: 2018
Autor/es: Gomez-Ortiz, O; Roldan, R; Ortega-Ruiz, R; Garcia-Lopez, LJ.

The provision of specialist psychosocial support for people with visible differences: A European survey.

Revista Científica: Body Image
Fecha: 2018
Autor/es: Harcourt, Diana; Hamlet, Claire; Billaud, Kristin; Garcia Lopez, Luis Joaquin; Masnari, Ornella; Mendes, José; Nobile, Francesca; Okkerse, Jolanda; Pittermann, Anna; Spillekom-van Koulil, Saskia; Marie, Nicola; Williamson, Heidi.
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