Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The European platform Youth Wiki includes the PROEM network’s report in its health and well-being section

The European platform Youth Wiki has included the report and roadmap on the state of the art, needs and recommendations for improving psychological assessment and promoting mental health and emotional well-being in young people, drawn up by the PROEM network, in its mental health-related information under the section dedicated to health and well-being.

Youth Wiki is an online encyclopaedia that gathers information on the 29 European countries participating in the project. It provides an overview of national youth policies and actions covering education and training, employment and entrepreneurship, voluntary activities, social inclusion, and creativity and culture.

The purpose of this project is to help the European Commission and Member States in their decision making, providing information on ongoing reforms and initiatives. This collection of data also facilitates the exchange of information and innovative approaches and supports learning activities used by youth workers. In addition, it serves as a platform and guide for engaged youth, students and researchers in the field.

For the PROEM network, this achievement is the result of having met the objectives set out in the meeting held with the Institute for Youth (INJUVE), an independent body which forms part of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and national correspondent representing Spain in the Youth Wiki project.

According to Luis Joaquín García, PI of the PROEM network, “the presence of the PROEM network among the Youth Wiki references is a huge step forward in giving the report visibility, as it is an important European platform that brings together the main actions of European countries in order to enable decision making when it comes to establishing social and investment policies”.

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