Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

Members and collaborators of the PROEMA Network participate in the sixth edition of the International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents.

Members and collaborators of the PROEMA Network have actively participated in the 6th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents, organized annually by the Aitana research group of the Department of Health Psychology of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH).

This edition, which was held in online format from November 18 to 21, brought together nearly 500 specialists in child mental health from 20 countries. Among them, the participation of José Antonio Piqueras, Professor of Psychology at the UMH and member of the PROEMA Network as part of the organizing committee, along with researchers from his team as María Riquelme. In addition, the PROEMA Network has been very present at the conference with the participation of professors from the University of Jaén (UJA) as José Antonio Muela, Lourdes Espinosa and Luis Joaquín García and the communication of Juan Pablo Molina on the podcast ‘Miedo a Diario’; Professor Maite Garaigordobil of the University of the Basque Country; the team of the professor of the University of Deusto Esther Calvete, which included the participation of Izaskun Orue; Professor Inmaculada Gómez and researcher Juanmi Flujas from the University of Almería; Professor María Balle from the University of the Balearic Islands María; UNED Professor Miguel Ángel Carrasco; Professor Josefa Canals and researcher Paula Morales from the University Rovira i Virgili; and Professor María do Ceu Salvador from the University of Coimbra.

The aim of this event is learning, improvement of professional practice and the exchange of knowledge necessary for scientific psychology focused on child mental health to progress and improve.

The Congress program included plenary lectures, thematic symposia, applied sessions, free symposia in the form of short oral communications grouped by topic, meetings with experts, E-posters, discussion sessions and meetings with authors of new publications in child psychology. In total, around 400 papers were presented over the weekend in the different modalities.

During the closing ceremony, the rector of the UMH, Juan José Ruiz Martínez, presented the AITANA 2020 award to the musician James Rhodes, in recognition of his activism in raising awareness of child mental health problems and his work for the protection of children.

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