Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

Researchers from the PROEM Network participate in the drafting of the White Paper on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, developed by the General Council of Psychology.

Fina Canals, Núria Voltas and Paula Morales, from the Department of Psychology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, analyze various disorders present in adolescents.

26/07/2021.- The researchers of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and members of the PROEM Network, Fina Canals, Núria Voltas and Paula Morales, participate as editors of several chapters in the collaborative work Libro Blanco de la Salud Mental Infanto-Juvenil, recently developed by the Consejo General de Psicología (COP).

It is a volume that shows the concern of the COP for Mental Health care in Spain, especially when it comes to preventing and treating psychological problems in children and adolescents. In this sense, and based on national and international epidemiological data, the White Paper on Child and Adolescent Mental Health arises from the need to implement measures to improve the prevention and treatment of psychological problems in minors.

Researchers from the PROEM Network play a special role in four of the twelve chapters of the manual, delving into the characteristics and definition of the problem, its epidemiology, its impact on the personal and social sphere and the risk and protective factors. Fina Canals develops, first of all, eating behavior disorders (ED) in chapter 7. Then, in chapter 8, she analyzes, together with Núria Voltas, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In chapter 9, Fina Canals and Paula Morales explain the keys to autism spectrum disorder. And finally, Fina Canals and the researcher of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili Carmen Hernández describe sensory processing disorders in chapter 10.

Likewise, the COP announces the drafting of a second volume that will address the current situation in the field of prevention and treatment, as well as the lack and training of specialists in the fields of health, education and social services.

Access the White Paper on Child and Adolescent Mental Health:

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