Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The Instituto de Estudios Giennenses publishes a book that analyzes the impact of Covid-19 in Jaén and gathers proposals for after the crisis.

This book compiles the issues addressed in the round tables organized around topics such as youth mental health, employment, telework, education and poverty.

27/5/2022.- The Instituto de Estudios Giennenses (IEG) has published the book “The impact of Covid-19 in the province of Jaén. Analysis and proposals”, which was presented yesterday afternoon at the Cultural Hall of the Provincial Council of Jaén.

It is a work that compiles in its pages the reflections and conclusions drawn from a series of round tables where the impact of the pandemic in the province of Jaén is analyzed and proposals are made to overcome this health and economic crisis.

The presentation ceremony was chaired by the first vice-president of the Provincial Council and head of the Institute of Studies of Jaén (IEG), Francisca Medina, the vice-counselor of the IEG, José María Capitán, and the professor of the Department of Health Sciences of the University of Jaén and member of the IEG, María Luisa Grande, who has coordinated this publication together with the emeritus professor of the UJA, Juan Manuel de Faramiñán.

Regarding this work, its coordinator pointed out that “the aim of the conference was to analyze the impact of Covid-19 in different areas, not only in healthcare, because it led to a major economic and social crisis”. To this end, as María Luisa Grande recalled, “we organized round tables, which dealt with issues such as its impact on the economy, employment, telework, education, culture, public freedoms, poverty or social vulnerability”.

For several months, “well-known experts and people with a long history of working with different groups and associations gave us a very broad vision of what was happening and made proposals not only on how to get out of this situation, but also on how to deal with its impact when coming out of the health crisis,” concluded the coordinator of this publication.

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén, was one of the experts who participated in the round tables. In his case, the thematic axis dealt with the advances in research on Covid-19, through a multidisciplinary perspective provided by researchers of recognized prestige: Luis Joaquín García himself in the field of psychology and mental health, the Professor of Immunology at the UJA, José Juan Gaforio; the Professor of Social Work and Social Services at the UJA, Yolanda de la Fuente; and the researcher of Computer Science at the UJA, Javier Medina.

Specifically, Luis Joaquín García delved into the resilience of young people in the face of pandemic fatigue in the era of the coronavirus. In his presentation, he described the current situation of the health and emotional well-being of adolescents, highlighting the Spanish and international guidelines and documents that underline the need to help this population, especially the most vulnerable and at risk of developing emotional problems. He also presented the keys to the DAREMOS and PROCARE initiatives, led by the University of Jaén and focused on helping to promote mental health in young people with emotional problems or at risk of suffering them at a time of psychosocial difficulties such as the pandemic.

The book “The impact of Covid-19 in the province of Jaén. Analysis and proposals” is available for free in the Digital Library of the IEG through this link.

The DAREMOS project (1260378) has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía; while the PROCARE project (PID 2019-111138RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

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