Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

ERYICA, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organizes a webinar on the mental health of young people

Luis Joaquín García, head of the PROEM Network and of the DAREMOS, PROADEMO, DIGITAS and PROCARE initiatives, will be the opening speaker.

21/11/2022.- The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA), in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organizes this Wednesday, November 23 (11.00 – 13:00) the webinar “Do you kNOw distress? – Youth information responses to mental health”.

It is a free registration event, in English and aimed at both young people and workers in the field of youth, education and mental health, as well as the general public, which will try to provide answers about the mental health of young people and problems such as anxiety, anxiety or depression.

Luis Joaquín García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén (UJA) and main responsible for the initiatives DAREMOS, PROADEMO, DIGITAS and PROCARE, will be the main speaker at the opening conference.

The agenda of the day also includes the intervention of Eva Reina, Director of ERYICA; an interview by Maria Fsadni, member of the Youth Ambassadors Commission of ERYICA, to Anna Knobbout, member of the Advisory Council on Youth; and presentations by Anna Nesladek and Angelina Pereira, technical staff of ERYICA.

The webinar will provide information on the impact of the pandemic on the health of young people by specialists in child and youth mental health and other disciplines, listen to the point of view of young people on this issue, present tips for identifying young people at risk of suffering emotional problems and explore ways of cooperation between youth and mental health professionals.

The event will also showcase examples of good practice in youth information services and other related sectors through the testimonies of: Chara Spyropoulou (IASIS NGO, Greece), Patricia Venâncio (ANIJ, Luxembourg) and Sílvia Solà and Mariona Altimira (Castellterçol City Council, Spain).

Collaboration to provide tools for youth professionals

ERYICA is an independent European organization composed of national and regional youth information coordination bodies and networks. “We are a network with 40 structures in a total of 28 European countries, which are integrated into the Council of Europe,” explains Eva Reina, director of ERYICA.

Through its network, ERYICA is a support platform for professionals working in the field of youth information and guidance. “Our job is to offer innovative services to be at the forefront of what young people need and demand,” says Eva Reina.

Eva Reina was one of the speakers at the ‘International Meeting for the health and emotional well-being of young people’, organized at the end of August by the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) in Baeza under the direction of Luis Joaquín García. At this event, Eva Reina presented ERYICA’s perspective on the situation of child and youth mental health after the pandemic. “Youth information center workers have direct contact with adolescents. During the post-pandemic stage, the emotional problems of young people have grown and we have detected the lack of information on protocols for action by youth professionals in this regard,” he points out.

The participation of Luis Joaquín García in this webinar is part of the collaboration between the team of the initiatives DAREMOS, PROADEMO, DIGITAS and PROCARE, led by UJA, and ERYICA.

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