Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

PROCARE, Digitas, DAREMOS, PROEMO, PROADEMO and Level Up initiatives, protagonists in Seville on World Mental Health Day

These projects to promote the health and emotional well-being of young people were part of one of the tents of the information and awareness campaign on youth mental health problems, organized by the City Council of Seville on October 10th.

11/10/2023.- The initiatives for the promotion of the health and emotional well-being of young people PROCARE, Digitas, DAREMOS, PROEMO, PROADEMO and Level Up were protagonists in the information and awareness campaign on youth mental health problems, organized by the City Council of Seville on October 10, in the framework of World Mental Health Day.

The Paseo de Cristina in the city of Seville was the location chosen for the installation of twelve tents, in which various entities such as the University of Seville, the Pablo de Olavide University, the University of Loyola, the University of Jaen, the Official College of Psychologists, the Official College of Nursing or the Official College of Social Workers, among others, disseminated resources and strategies to prevent and address emotional problems in young people.

Adelina Ocaña, a researcher from the University of Jaén (UJA), participated in one of these stands and was in charge of disseminating the different projects through posters and audiovisual resources.

Thus, users who visited the UJA tent found information about PROCARE, the first transdiagnostic program of selective prevention at international level that has proven its effectiveness in the intervention of adolescents at risk (PROCARE+) and at high risk (PROCARE-i) of developing emotional problems such as anxiety or depression; Digitas, an online tool, equipped with contrasted and evidence-based digital content and resources on social anxiety disorder; DAREMOS, a pioneering initiative in the early detection of adolescents at high risk of developing emotional problems due to its interdisciplinary nature that combines Psychology, Epigenetics, Corpus Linguistics and Big Data; PROEMO, the new network of excellence that aims to develop a roadmap for 2025 to detect current gaps in the promotion of emotional well-being of young people; PROADEMO, a project that aims to develop practical tools aimed at health personnel, educational staff, youth workers and adolescents themselves for the prevention of the development of emotional problems; and Level Up, a European project that seeks to provide a new understanding of the transversal skills of students in higher education through training materials and actions.

All these initiatives, led or in which the UJA participates, are part of different projects financed, among other institutions, by the European Union through the “Next Generation EU” funds within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and the Erasmus+ European funding program.

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