Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The University of Jaén and the PROEMO Network present the PROCARE initiative at the IX Feria de los Pueblos (IX People’s Fair)

The details of the implementation of this protocol, in collaboration with the Diputación Provincial de Jaén, will be explained at a press conference in the Sala Jándula of IFEJA this Friday, March 15 at 11:00 am.

13/03/2024.- The University of Jaén (UJA) and the PROEMO Network presented this Friday, March 15 at a press conference the PROCARE initiative (Selective prevention through a transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk of emotional problems), as part of the IX Fair of the Villages, organized by the Provincial Council of Jaén in the Provincial Fairgrounds and Congresses (IFEJA).

Specifically, the implementation of the PROCARE protocol to improve the health and emotional well-being of young people in the province (12 to 18 years old) will be presented, thanks to funding from the Provincial Council of Jaén, through its Jaenícolas brand.

The press conference will be attended by the Vice Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the UJA, Mª Victoria López, the first vice president of the Provincial Council of Jaén, Francisca Medina, the deputy of Equality and Youth, Mª Dolores Ruiz, and the professor of the UJA and main responsible of PROCARE, Luis Joaquín García.

The event will take place at 11:00 am in the Sala Jándula of IFEJA and the mayors of the municipalities of the province are invited, as well as all the councilors and technicians of areas related to the field of youth, health and education.

In this presentation, the steps to follow so that families and adolescents in the province can participate in this initiative free of charge will be explained.

This activity arises from PROCARE, an R+D+i project (PID 2019-111138RB-I00/) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/), with the participation of professionals from the Department of Psychology of the UJA, Rovira i Virgili University, Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the University of Miami (USA).

In addition, the Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE), attached to the Ministry of Youth and Children, the Asociación Española de Ayuda Mutua contra Fobia Social y Trastornos de Ansiedad (AMTAES), the Confederación de Organizaciones de Psicopedagogía y Orientación de España (COPOE), the Youth Group of the Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Trans, Bisexuales, Intersexuales y más (FELGTBI+), the Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE) and the Fundación Princesa de Girona are part of the project’s External Advisory Board.

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