Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The PROCARE Marmolejo initiative, led by UJA researchers, awarded in the Dinamia 2024 Awards in the health category.

Marmolejo is the first municipality in Andalusia to implement this pioneering program for the prevention and promotion of health and emotional wellbeing in adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age.

23/04/2024.- The PROCARE Marmolejo initiative, led by researchers from the University of Jaén (UJA) and promoted by the City Council of the town of Marmolejo, was awarded in the DINAMIA 2024 Awards in the category of health.

The DINAMIA Awards, organized by the provincial Association of Youth Professionals ‘Dinamia’ and delivered in its eighth edition on April 17 at the Municipal Theater “Mayor Miguel Anguita” of Torredonjimeno, aim to reward projects developed by young people or for young people, which have a real impact of social transformation in the municipalities of the province of Jaén, as well as to promote youth policies on development and transformation that annually put into practice the administrations, associations and people working with young people.

Marmolejo has been the first municipality in Andalusia to implement the PROCARE initiative (Selective prevention through a transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk of emotional problems), a pioneering program at international level in the field of prevention and promotion of health and emotional well-being in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years.

Pilar Lara, Councilor for Governance, Tourism, Promotion and Youth of the City Council of Marmolejo, collected the award from Antonio Lara, president of the provincial Association of Youth Technicians Dinamia. In her speech, Pilar Lara praised “the work of the UJA through the PROEM Network with this pioneering initiative worldwide in the field of personalized medicine,” as well as the role of the consistory marmolejeño in its objective to “strengthen and accompany the young people of Marmolejo around their health and emotional well-being, as in the youth field are suffering a lot.”

The PROCARE Marmolejo program is funded by the call for Equality and Welfare of the Provincial Council of Jaen for the implementation of activities and programs aimed at the youth population, as well as own funds of the City of Marmolejo.

The research work of the UJA is supported by the previous experience of PROCARE as an R+D+i project PID 2019-111138RB-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10. 13039/501100011033 (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency), in which a team of researchers from the UJA, formed by Luis Joaquín García, Lourdes Espinosa, José Antonio Muela, Mar Díaz, Manuel Vivas, David Jiménez, Laura Zafra and Jesús Sánchez, the researcher from the University of Miami (USA), Jill Ehrenreich, as well as a team from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, led by researcher Josefa Canals and a team from the Universidad Miguel Hernández, led by researcher José Antonio Piqueras.

In addition, PROCARE has an External Advisory Board formed by the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) attached to the Ministry of Youth and Children, the Spanish Youth Council (CJE), the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi), the Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Trans, Bisexuales, Intersexuales y más (FELGTBI+), the Confederación de Organizaciones de Psicopedagogía y Orientación de España (COPOE) and the Asociación Española de Ayuda Mutua contra Fobia Social y Trastornos de Ansiedad (AMTAES).



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