Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The PROEMo Network and its External Advisory Board decide to bring forward to 2024 the publication of the Report and Roadmap on the current status, needs and recommendations for the promotion of the emotional health and well-being of young people.

The city of Malaga hosted the intermediate meeting between members of the seven research teams of the network and representatives of the collaborating entities, in which this decision was advocated in order for the document to be a reference in the drafting of the future Law on Youth and Intergenerational Justice.

21/5/2024.- The city of Malaga hosted the intermediate working meeting of the PROEMO Network on the Report and Roadmap on the current status, needs and recommendations for the promotion of mental health and emotional well-being in young people.

The research team was represented by members of the seven research teams that make up the PROEMO Network. Specifically, Luis Joaquín García, Lourdes Espinosa, José Antonio Muela, Manuel Vivas and David Jiménez from the University of Jaén (UJA); José Antonio Piqueras and Victoria Soto, from the University Miguel Hernández (UMH); Josefa Canals, from the University Rovira i Virgili (URV); Inmaculada Gómez and Juan Miguel Flujas, from the University of Almería; Manuel Gámez and Estíbaliz Mateos, from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM); Esther Calvete and Izaskun Orue, from the University of Deusto; and Patricia Moreno, Sonia Conejo and Santiago Galán, from the University of Málaga.

On behalf of the External Advisory Council (CAE) of this initiative, the following were present: the Head of the Interministerial Programs Service of the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE), Victoria Rodríguez; the 2nd vice-president and responsible for the socioeconomic and communication areas of the Spanish Youth Council, Juan Antonio Báez; the head of Integral Health of the FELGTBI+, Toni Martí; the president of the Confederation of Organizations of Psychopedagogy and Guidance of Spain (COPOE), Ana Cobos; the vice-president of the Andalusian Association of Youth Professionals, Antonio Lara, the president of the Spanish Association for Mutual Help against Social Phobia and Anxiety Disorders (AMTAES), Enrique Vargas, and the psychologists of the Asturian Association for the Attention and Care of Children (ASACI), Ana María Sainero and María Fé Martínez. Other members of the CAE are ERYICA and the Princess of Girona Foundation.

During the meeting, the shortcomings and needs gathered during the previous months were presented. In this way, topics to be addressed in the final document were pooled and the work plan and timetable for the edition, publication and dissemination of the Roadmap were established. Instead of the date initially set for 2025, both the team and the CAE decided to bring forward the editing, publication and dissemination of the Report and Roadmap to 2024. This change is part of the PROEMO Network’s objective that this document be taken as a strategic reference for the drafting of the future Law on Youth and Intergenerational Justice by the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) and the Ministry of Youth and Children. In this law, mental health appears as a priority thematic axis.

PROEMO is a research network (RED2022-134247-T) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency) through the State Program to promote scientific-technical research and its transfer, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023.

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