Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes


The professor at the University of Jaén and head of the PROEM Network, Luis Joaquín García, presented the results to the provincial deputy of Ciudadanos, Ildefonso Ruiz. 17/11/2021.- The PROCARE initiative, which provides free help to schoolchildren at risk of...

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén and head of the PROEM Network, presented the results of the intervention to the working team of the Ministry of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura. 16/11/2021.- The...

The head of the PROEM Network, Luis Joaquín García, and the Internal Coordinator and health spokesperson of the Spanish Youth Council, Ricardo Blázquez Fernández, met so that both entities can work together. In the meeting between the two, Luis Joaquín...

Likewise, researchers Luis Joaquín García and Lourdes Espinosa explained the keys to the PROCARE and DAREMOS initiatives to Pablo Puente, psychologist associated with the Asturian Health Service. 3/11/2021.- Luis Joaquín García, as the main responsible of the Interdisciplinary Research Network...

From October 9 to 12, numerous researchers in the field of psychology, legislators and young people have participated in one of the seminars of this event held in Gijón. 14/10/2021.- The Interdisciplinary Research Network for the Promotion of Mental Health...

The UJA researcher is part of the working group that addresses the axis on integral health and quality of life, within this participatory process led by the Youth Institute (INJUVE) of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030. 08/10/2021.-...

Fina Canals, Núria Voltas and Paula Morales, from the Department of Psychology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, analyze various disorders present in adolescents. 26/07/2021.- The researchers of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and members of the PROEM Network, Fina...

The Professor of Psychology at the UJA and head of the PROEM Network calls for urgent investment in the mental health and emotional well-being of adolescents. 13/7/2021.- The professor of the University of Jaen (UJA) and head of the Network...

The professor of Psychology of the UJA will be one of the invited experts in the panel that will deal as main topic the defense of Human Rights in times of pandemic. 30/06/2021.- The professor of the University of Jaén...

This important document at national level includes several of the proposals promoted by the PROEM Network in its report on the mental health and emotional well-being of young people. 28/06/2021.- The Report ‘Spain 2050’, which brings together the results of...

As part of their regular meetings, the PROCARE initiative team met on March 25 to analyze the status of the project and decide on the next steps to be taken, once the screening period for participants is over. First, the...

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the UJA and main responsible for the PROEM Network, has presented the current situation of health promotion and emotional well-being in young people and the implementation of different initiatives to help adolescents with emotional problems...

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