Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes


The University of Jaén, in collaboration with the City Council of Marmolejo and the Diputación Provincial de Jaén, launches the second edition of this initiative that aims that young people of Marmolejo and their families know the emotional state of their children. To do this, PROCARE enables a survey focused on adolescents aged 12 to 18 years of the municipality.

In addition, PROCARE is aimed at helping the young population to face emotional difficulties (studies, health habits, communication in the family, rejection, climate anxiety, self-pity, etc.), with the objective of strengthening them emotionally and developing their resilience in the face of life’s adversities. The aim is to contribute to improving the emotional health and well-being of young people who are interested.

In summary, the implementation of the PROCARE initiative aims to assess and provide psychological strategies to emotionally strengthen adolescents.

The implementation of PROCARE in Marmolejo for the second consecutive year has been promoted by Manuel Lozano, Mayor of Marmolejo, together with Pilar Lara, Councillor for Governance, Tourism, Promotion and Youth of the City Council of Marmolejo, and Antonio Lara, Youth technician of the Marmolejo consistory, thanks to funding from the Provincial Council of Jaén and own funds. In addition, it has as promoter the UJA professor, Luis Joaquín García, the Research Group of Evaluation and Psychological Treatment HUM-836, the Research Structure EI_HUM18_2023 of the UJA and the network of excellence PROEMO.



It is developed by possible ways:

  1. If the adolescent who wishes to participate , he/she must access through the link we call “Family Link”. In this link, first, the parent (or at least one parent, caregiver or responsible person) fills out some sections regarding the emotional state of the minor, and then the child fills out other sections. The information about the emotional state of the adolescent will be sent to the email provided by the family.
  2. If the teenager who wishes to participate is between 16 and 18 years old, he/she can decide to access through the previous procedure, i.e., the “Family Link” (this is what we recommend) or through the link we call “Teenager +16 Link”. In this case, they will only complete the sections of the survey that apply to them (without the participation of parents or caregivers). The information about the emotional state will be sent to the email provided by the teenager.

    IMPORTANT: The link for teenagers +16 is only for those who are 16, 17 and 18 years old, since they would not need the consent of a responsible adult, although we always advise to involve their families in the whole process and therefore, it is preferable to access through the link for families (In any case, we will respect the principle of confidentiality with the teenager, that is, we will not disclose any sensitive personal information that they do not want or without previously agreeing it with him/her).

The objective is, on the one hand, to help find out whether the adolescent is emotionally healthy, at risk or at high risk of suffering emotional difficulties, or may develop an emotional problem. All participants will receive information about their state of health and emotional well-being free of charge, as this phase serves as an emotional check-up.


Young people at risk will be offered a workshop on emotional strengthening and resilience in the face of present and future adversities. In this way, they will learn to cope with risk situations and strengthen their emotional skills. The PROCARE program consists of 7 group sessions of approximately 1 hour duration, plus a total of 5 additional modules adapted according to the risk factors detected. These additional modules will only be received by those who present such risk factor and are aimed at:
  • Additional module 1. Situations of peer violence (bullying and cyberbullying) and social rejection.
  • Additional module 2. Bad health habits related to sleep, food and body image.
  • Additional module 3. Bad health habits related to excessive use of screens or games.
  • Additional module 4. Stressful situations (Exams and Ecoanxiety).
  • Additional module 5. Module for parents (4 sessions) aimed at improving the dynamics of parental interaction.


After the end of the workshop, they can benefit from reminiscence sessions to consolidate the benefits acquired and evaluate the progress made on an emotional level.

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