Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

Universidad Rovira i Virgili

‘Nutrición y Salud Mental (NUTRISAM) Group

It has an interdisciplinary composition and is a group consolidated by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The group is coordinated jointly by Josefa Canals (Psychology) and Victoria Arija (Preventive Medicine). It is formed by researchers from the Department of Psychology and the Unit of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, both from the Rovira i Virgili University. The members of the Psychology area are the professors Carmen Hernández, Paula Morales and Núria Voltas, as well as predoctoral fellows.


  • Epidemiology of psychological problems affecting children and adolescents (school population evaluated in academic centers).

  • Evaluation of the presence of different emotional disorders: anxiety, depression and OCD.

  • Epidemiology of neurodevelopmental disorders: ADHD and ASD.

  • Study of various risk factors affecting neurodevelopment and child behavior: environmental factors, including mainly nutritional factors, and other sociodemographic and biological factors.
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