Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

Outstanding presence of the PROEM Network at the VII International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents ‘AITANA 2021’.

The results of the PROCARE program starred in several symposia of this scientific event.

23/11/2021.- Several members and collaborators of the PROEMA Network have actively participated in the 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology with Children and Adolescents, organized annually by the Aitana research group of the Department of Health Psychology of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH).

This seventh edition, which was held in online format from 18 to 20 November, brought together around 400 specialists in the field of child mental health from twenty countries. The PROEM Network has been very present among them, through the presence of José Antonio Piqueras, Professor of Psychology at the UMH and member of the PROEM Network as part of the organizing committee.

In addition, a good number of members and collaborators of the PROEM Network have been part of the various plenary lectures, symposia and communications presented at the congress. Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén and head of the PROEM Network, coordinated the symposium ‘Procare Project: What’s new in the prevention of emotional problems and the promotion of health and well-being in at-risk adolescents? It was attended by UJA researchers Manuel Vivas, Eva Mª Parras and David Jiménez, UMH researcher María Rivera, and Universitat Rovira y Virgili researcher Paula Morales. In the same way, the UJA professor and member of the PROEM Network, Lourdes Espinosa, organized the symposium ‘Presential and virtual actions related to prevention and psychological intervention in adolescent population’. UJA researchers José Antonio Muela, María González and Mar Díaz also participated in the symposium.

Likewise, Esther Calvete, professor at the University of Deusto and member of the PROEM Network, spoke on child-parental violence and on the risks and strategies for tackling problems with adolescents in the digital environment. Also participating in the latter were researchers from the University of Deusto, Izaskun Orue and Liria Fernández; and the researcher from the Autonomous University of Madrid and PROEM Network collaborator, Manuel Gámez.

Other PROEM Network collaborators include Inmaculada Gómez, professor at the University of Almería (UAL), Juanmi Flujas, researcher at the UAL, Núria Voltas, researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Miguel Ángel Carrasco, researcher at the UNED, and researcher at the University of Miami, Jill Ehrenreich also took part in the congress, deepening on topics such as psychological flexibility and emotional regulation in parenting, bullying and cyberbullying, aggression in children and adolescents, and emotional disorders, respectively.

The aim of this international scientific event is learning, improving professional practice and the exchange of knowledge necessary for scientific psychology focused on child mental health to progress and evolve positively.

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