Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The results of the DAREMOS project, protagonists in the II Conference Proyecto Hombre Granada

Manuel Vivas, a researcher at the University of Jaén, presented the data of this initiative to promote mental health among young people.

23/05/2022.- The results of the DAREMOS project, an initiative led by the Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén (UJA), Luis Joaquín García López, which includes members of the Department of Psychology and English Philology and the spin-off Yottacode of the UJA and the PROEM Network, were presented at the II Jornadas Proyecto Hombre Granada.

Manuel Vivas, a researcher at UJA, detailed the results obtained in the framework of this project for the promotion of mental health in vulnerable adolescents. In this way, he provided the keys to an initiative that has contributed to the early detection of young people with emotional problems and has helped more than 400 adolescents and their families.

In this second edition of the conference, held on May 11 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada, more than 100 attendees reflected on lifestyles, equality, mental health and addictions of young people in this post-pandemic stage.

In this context, other projects for the promotion of mental health in adolescents in which the PROEM Network participates, such as PROCARE, DIGITAS or Big Hug, have also had their place in the program.

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