Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

Researchers from the University of Jaén and the PROEMO network present the PROCARE initiative to the educational community of IES Virgen de la Cabeza de Marmolejo.

Informative meeting with the management team, parents, classroom delegates and representatives of the municipal corporation to develop the keys to PROCARE-Marmolejo and collect testimonies for the creation of PROADEMO project materials and the PROEMO roadmap.


7/11/2023.- Researchers from the University of Jaén (UJA) and members of the PROEMO network presented yesterday the PROCARE initiative (Selective prevention through a transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk of emotional problems) to the educational community of IES Virgen de la Cabeza de Marmolejo, in the framework of an informative meeting on the implementation of this program in the municipality of Marmolejo.


Specifically, researchers José Antonio Muela, Laura Zafra, David Jiménez and Juan Pedro Roa met with parents and mothers classroom delegates and the management team of this institute, in an appointment that was also attended by representatives of the municipal corporation of the City of Marmolejo as the Councillor for Youth, Pilar Lara, the Councillor for Education, Mari Paz Lara, the Councillor for Social Services, Amparo Lozano, and the Councillor for Equality, Maria Correas.


PROCARE (PID 2019-111138RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) is a pioneering initiative worldwide in the field of prevention and personalized medicine, since it is the first selective prevention program aimed at adolescents between 12 and 18 years old at risk of suffering emotional problems. In this way, they developed the keys to this program that will benefit free of charge about 850 young people in Marmolejo with the aim of contributing to the improvement of their health and emotional well-being.


Likewise, they detailed the different phases that make up the program, and it was reported that in the coming days families will receive through the app Ipassen all the information to participate, in order to involve as many teenagers as possible.


This initiative is funded by the call for Equality and Welfare of the Provincial Council of Jaén for the implementation of activities and programs aimed at the youth population, as well as own funds of the City of Marmolejo.


Collection of information for the PROADEMO project materials and the PROEMO network roadmap.

During the information day, the UJA researchers opened a debate to gather the opinions and recommendations of the parents of the IES Virgen de la Cabeza regarding the mental health and emotional well-being of their children.


These testimonies collected are part of the field work of the project ‘PROmocionAnDo la salud y el bienestar EMOcional de los adolescentes en el sector educativo, sanitario y la sociedad’ (PROADEMO) and of the Red para la PROmocion de la salud y el bienestar EMOcional de los adolescentes (PROEMO).


PROADEMO(PDC2022-133401-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) aims to develop a methodology that promotes the active participation of adolescents and social agents in the development of guidelines for national and European policies, as well as the drafting of strategic documents in a child-friendly language. It is a project financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency and the European Union through the “Next Generation EU” funds within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.


The aim of the PROEMO Network of Excellence (RED2022-134247-T) is to prepare a report and roadmap for 2025, aimed at detecting current shortcomings and providing recommendations for promoting the health and emotional well-being of adolescents. It is part of a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), through the State Program to promote scientific-technical research and its transfer, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023.

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