Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes

The University of Jaén and the PROEMO Network will implement the PROCARE initiative to improve the health and emotional well-being of adolescents in the province of Jaén.

The protocol, which has been presented during the IX Feria de los Pueblos, will be carried out thanks to the support and financing of the Diputación Provincial de Jaén.

15/03/2024.- The University of Jaén (UJA) and the PROEMO Network will implement the PROCARE initiative to improve the health and emotional well-being of adolescents in the province of Jaén. This protocol, funded by the Provincial Council of Jaén, is aimed at young people aged 12 to 18 years and aims to assess and provide psychological strategies to emotionally strengthen adolescents in need.

The implementation of PROCARE has been presented this afternoon in the framework of the IX Feria de los Pueblos. The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Jaén, María Victoria López, Professor of Psychology at the UJA and main responsible for the PROEMO Network and PROCARE, Luis Joaquín García, first vice president and deputy of Equality, Social Policies and Youth, Francisca Medina, and the deputy of Equality and Youth, María Dolores Ruiz.

In her speech, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer, Mª Victoria López highlighted the collaboration with the Provincial Council to “carry out an ambitious project so that families and young people can have free access to an initiative to emotionally strengthen young people in the province of Jaén”. She also emphasized the commitment of the UJA as an institution with the promotion of health and emotional well-being of young people through lines of research such as PROCARE”.

In turn, Luis Joaquín García emphasized that “PROCARE is a pioneer at international level for being the first selective prevention program aimed at young people between 12 and 18 years of age at risk of suffering emotional problems”. In this sense, he added “the importance of this type of evidence-based initiatives, which contribute to improving the emotional situation of our young people”.

For her part, Francisca Medina, stressed that “from the Diputación de Jaén we have been committed to our youth for many years developing public policies that revert to the benefit of young people in our province and this project is undoubtedly a step further as it allows us to better understand the problems related to the mental health of our young people who, moreover, will soon also be the whole of our society”. Finally, María Dolores Ruiz emphasized that “this initiative follows the lines of the Youth Plan of the Provincial Council, with which the welfare of our young people are pursued, allowing them to be emotionally healthy and eligible for resources and policies to be treated by specialists”.

Implementation in three stages

The screening will be carried out in three stages, which are defined on the project website:

In the first, the adolescent and his or her family complete a questionnaire on emotional aspects telematically. “This tool will allow us to identify the risk or high risk of suffering from an emotional problem, such as anxiety or depression,” said Luis Joaquín García. “All participants will receive information on the outcome of emotional health and well-being free of charge.”

In the second stage, young people can benefit from a workshop on emotional strengthening and resilience in the face of present and future adversities. In this way, they will learn how to cope with risk situations and enhance their communication skills. They will also receive an additional tailored module on situations that make them feel vulnerable.

Finally, both six months and one year after the end of the workshop, they can carry out reminiscence sessions to consolidate the benefits acquired and evaluate the progress of the participating students on an emotional level.

This initiative is supported by the experience of PROCARE (‘Selective prevention through a transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk of emotional problems’), a project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, involving a team of researchers from the UJA, led by Luis Joaquín García, Lourdes Espinosa and José Antonio Muela and Mar Díaz, the researcher from the University of Miami (USA), Jill Ehrenreich-May, as well as a team of researchers from the University of Rovira i Virgili, led by researcher Josefa Canals and a team of researchers from the University Miguel Hernández, led by researcher José Antonio Piqueras.

In addition, PROCARE (PID 2019-111138RB-I00/MICIU/AEI/10. 13039/501100011033) has an External Advisory Board formed by the Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) attached to the Ministry of Youth and Children, the Spanish Youth Council (CJE), the Princess of Girona Foundation, the Integral Health group of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals, Intersexuals and more (FELGTBI+), the Confederation of Organizations of Psychopedagogy and Guidance of Spain (COPOE) and the Spanish Association of Mutual Help against Social Phobia and Anxiety Disorders (AMTAES).

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