Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes


Presentation of the results of the PROCARE initiative to the Department of Education of the Principality of Asturias.

Meeting between Luis Joaquín García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén, and David Artime, General Director of Educational Planning, Evaluation and Equity of the Department of Education of the Principality of Asturias. 14/12/2022.- Luis Joaquín García, principal responsable de la iniciativa PROCARE y la Red PROEM y catedrático de la Universidad de Jaén […]

Presentation of the results of the PROCARE initiative to the Department of Education of the Principality of Asturias. Read More »

Luis Joaquín García presents the PROCARE initiative during the webinar “Do you kNOw distress? – Youth information responses to mental health”.

ERYICA, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organized this webinar aimed primarily at young people, youth workers, as well as health and education professionals. 05/12/2022.- Luis Joaquín García, professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén (UJA), presented the PROCARE initiative to promote emotional well-being in adolescents at the webinar “Do you kNOw distress?

Luis Joaquín García presents the PROCARE initiative during the webinar “Do you kNOw distress? – Youth information responses to mental health”. Read More »

Researchers from the PROCARE initiative evaluate next steps to implement evidence-based early detection and intervention protocol for adolescents at risk or high risk for emotional problems

29/11/2022.- Researchers from the University of Jaén (UJA), Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and Rovira i Virgili University met telematically to evaluate new measures within the framework of possible agreements with international, national, regional and local entities to carry out PROCARE and thus emotionally support young people at risk or high risk of suffering

Researchers from the PROCARE initiative evaluate next steps to implement evidence-based early detection and intervention protocol for adolescents at risk or high risk for emotional problems Read More »

ERYICA, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organizes a webinar on the mental health of young people

Luis Joaquín García, head of the PROEM Network and of the DAREMOS, PROADEMO, DIGITAS and PROCARE initiatives, will be the opening speaker. 21/11/2022.- The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA), in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organizes this Wednesday, November 23 (11.00 – 13:00) the webinar “Do you kNOw distress? – Youth information

ERYICA, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, organizes a webinar on the mental health of young people Read More »

UJA researchers meet with the Youth Deputy Pilar Lara to discuss the implementation of protocols for the detection and intervention of adolescents from Jaén at risk of suffering emotional problems thanks to DAREMOS and PROCARE.

Luis Joaquín García, Lourdes Espinosa and José Antonio Muela present the results of three initiatives to promote emotional well-being in young people: PROCARE, DAREMOS and Digitas. 17/11/2022.- The main responsible of the projects PROCARE, DAREMOS and Digitas, led by the University of Jaén (UJA), and the Deputy of Youth Pilar Lara met yesterday at the

UJA researchers meet with the Youth Deputy Pilar Lara to discuss the implementation of protocols for the detection and intervention of adolescents from Jaén at risk of suffering emotional problems thanks to DAREMOS and PROCARE. Read More »

URV professor Josefa Canals reports the results of the initiative to promote emotional well-being in young people ‘PROCARE’ to the director of the Pacte Nacional de Salut Mental.

He explained the benefits of its implementation among primary school students to Magda Casamitjana. 15/11/2022.- Josefa Canals, Professor of Psychology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and member of the PROEM Network, recently presented the results of the initiative to promote mental health in adolescents ‘PROCARE’ to Magda Casamitjana, director of the Pacte Nacional

URV professor Josefa Canals reports the results of the initiative to promote emotional well-being in young people ‘PROCARE’ to the director of the Pacte Nacional de Salut Mental. Read More »

Researchers from the University of Jaén present the benefits of PROCARE and DAREMOS to representatives of the Directorate General for Childhood, Adolescence and Youth of the Andalusian Regional Government.

These two initiatives to promote emotional wellbeing in adolescents, led by UJA professor Luis Joaquín García, have contributed to improving the emotional wellbeing of nearly 2,000 adolescents throughout Spain. 10/11/2022.- The researchers of the Department of Psychology of the University of Jaen (UJA) and the Network for the Promotion of Health and Emotional Wellbeing in

Researchers from the University of Jaén present the benefits of PROCARE and DAREMOS to representatives of the Directorate General for Childhood, Adolescence and Youth of the Andalusian Regional Government. Read More »

The PROEM Network presents the PROCARE+ and PROCARE-I initiatives to representatives of the Ministry of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura.

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén and main responsible for the Network, explained the keys of these two programs for the promotion of emotional wellbeing in adolescents, pioneers worldwide, with proven results in more than twenty young people from Extremadura. 31/10/2022.- Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén (UJA) and

The PROEM Network presents the PROCARE+ and PROCARE-I initiatives to representatives of the Ministry of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura. Read More »

UJA and IBIMA researchers present PROCARE results to the Andalusian Regional Health Minister

Meeting between research groups, Catalina García and the Rector of the UJA, Juan Gómez, to present projects that address the state of health and emotional well-being in adolescents. 24/10/2022.- The research teams of the DAREMOS and PROCARE projects have presented the results of these two initiatives to promote health and emotional well-being in adolescents to

UJA and IBIMA researchers present PROCARE results to the Andalusian Regional Health Minister Read More »

Researchers from the University of Jaén promote early detection of emotional problems and evidence-based intervention in adolescents through the DAREMOS and PROCARE initiatives.

These are two multidisciplinary projects led by the UJA, pioneers at international level, which promote health promotion and emotional well-being of young people. World Mental Health Day is commemorated today, October 10th. 10/10/2022- Researchers from the University of Jaén (UJA), in collaboration with other national and international universities, as well as social, governmental agents and

Researchers from the University of Jaén promote early detection of emotional problems and evidence-based intervention in adolescents through the DAREMOS and PROCARE initiatives. Read More »

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