Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes


An international meeting on the mental health of young people, within the framework of the summer courses of the UNIA, begins to address initiatives for the promotion of emotional wellbeing in people between 15 and 29 years of age. 23/08/2022.-...

It is a formative-cultural meeting organized by the Euro-Latin American Youth Center (CEULAJ) of INJUVE. The researcher of the University of Jaen (UJA) and of the initiatives DAREMOS and PROCARE Pilar Martinez participated in the International Festival “New Youth Culture”,...

Ana Cobos, president of the Confederación de Organizaciones de Psicopedagogía y Orientación de España (COPOE) and collaborator of the PROEM Network, has presented her book “Manual de orientación educativa. Theory and practice of psychopedagogy”. The presentation ceremony took place in...

This book compiles the issues addressed in the round tables organized around topics such as youth mental health, employment, telework, education and poverty. 27/5/2022.- The Instituto de Estudios Giennenses (IEG) has published the book “The impact of Covid-19 in the...

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén and main responsible for the initiatives of mental health promotion in young people DAREMOS and PROCARE, has been part of the group of experts in charge of elaborating the actions of...

It is an international scientific guide that reflects good clinical practices in the field of health research. 24/5/2022.- The clinical trial conducted under the PROCARE initiative has recently been included in the ‘Good Clinical Practices Network’, an international scientific guide...

Researchers from the University of Jaén were invited and presented the keys to these four initiatives for the promotion of mental health in young people. 23/05/2022.- The DAREMOS, PROCARE, Big Hug and Digitas projects, led by University of Jaén (UJA)...

The main responsible for both projects met with the IAJ program advisor, José María Urbano, and the provincial deputy, Ildefonso Ruiz, to present the data of these two projects on the approach to emotional problems of young people. 11/5/2022.- Luis...

This edition, which will take place on May 11, focuses on lifestyles, equality, mental health and addictions of youth in the post-pandemic period. 4/05/2022.- The projects DAREMOS, PROCARE, Big Hug and Digitas, led by members of the PROEM Network, are...

The Department of Psychology, together with the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the University of Jaén (UJA) and the PROEM Network, held the Conference ‘Actions for Mental Health in Young People: Where are we going? The conference was...

The Provincial Association of Youth Professionals has highlighted the value of the help provided through these two initiatives to nearly 2,000 schoolchildren at risk of suffering emotional problems and their families. 20/04/2022.- The DAREMOS and PROCARE projects, which have provided...

Professors José Antonio Muela, Lourdes Espinosa and Luis Joaquín García present the results of PROCARE, DAREMOS and DIGITAS, focused on addressing the emotional problems of young people. 11/1/2022.- Suicide prevention and the promotion of health and emotional well-being, especially in...

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