Red interdisciplinar para la PROmoción de la salud y bienestar Emocional en las personas jóvenes


Luis Joaquín García presents the PROCARE initiative to representatives of the municipalities of Gines, Bollullos de la Mitación and Castilleja de Guzmán.

The professor at the University of Jaén and head of the PROEMO Network presented the keys to this program for the prevention and promotion of health and emotional wellbeing of young people. 4/12/2022.- Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén (UJA) and head of the PROEMO Network, presented the impact of the PROCARE […]

Luis Joaquín García presents the PROCARE initiative to representatives of the municipalities of Gines, Bollullos de la Mitación and Castilleja de Guzmán. Read More »

Luis Joaquín García presents the PROEMO Network and the PROCARE and PROADEMO initiatives at the 4th RUIA Conference held at the University of Almería

The professor of the University of Jaén participated as an expert in this academic and research activity organized by the Network of Universities for Childhood and Adolescence (RUIA). 1/12/2023.- Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén (UJA), participated on November 16 in the IV Conference of the Network of Universities for Children and

Luis Joaquín García presents the PROEMO Network and the PROCARE and PROADEMO initiatives at the 4th RUIA Conference held at the University of Almería Read More »

The Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) collaborates in the second phase of the development of PROADEMO materials and the PROEMO Network roadmap.

The researcher of the University of Jaén, Jesús Sánchez, held a working meeting with the Head of Interministerial Programs Service of INJUVE, Victoria Rodríguez, to advance in these two initiatives to promote the health and emotional well-being of young people. 30/11/2023.- The Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) is collaborating in the second phase of the development

The Spanish Youth Institute (INJUVE) collaborates in the second phase of the development of PROADEMO materials and the PROEMO Network roadmap. Read More »

Members of the PROEMO Network present interdisciplinary interdisciplinary initiatives for the promotion of health and emotional emotional well-being of young people to Estrella Durá MEP

Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén, and researcher Jesús Sánchez explained the keys to projects such as PROCARE, DAREMOS PROADEMO, Digitas and Level Up. 16/11/2023.- Luis Joaquín García, professor at the University of Jaén (UJA) and head of the Network for the Promotion of Health and EMOtional Well-being of Young People (PROEMO

Members of the PROEMO Network present interdisciplinary interdisciplinary initiatives for the promotion of health and emotional emotional well-being of young people to Estrella Durá MEP Read More »

The PROCARE initiative, developed in the Balearic Islands, reduces the risk of emotional problems in adolescents by almost half.

The program, led by researchers from the University of Jaén, has implemented the PROCARE protocol to evaluate the emotional state of more than a thousand adolescents from 43 schools and support those who needed it, thanks to an agreement with the Balearic Government’s Department of Education and Professional Training. 23/11/2023.- The PROCARE initiative (‘Selective prevention

The PROCARE initiative, developed in the Balearic Islands, reduces the risk of emotional problems in adolescents by almost half. Read More »

UJA professor and head of the PROEMO Network Luis Joaquín García meets with representatives of the Provincial Council of Jaén to analyze collaboration channels for the promotion of health and emotional well-being of young people in Jaén.

During his meeting, Luis Joaquín García presented the keys to initiatives such as PROCARE, PROADEMO and the progress made in the development of a roadmap for 2025 within the framework of the PROEMO network to address the current shortcomings in this area. 20/11/2023.- The professor of the University of Jaén (UJA) and head of the

UJA professor and head of the PROEMO Network Luis Joaquín García meets with representatives of the Provincial Council of Jaén to analyze collaboration channels for the promotion of health and emotional well-being of young people in Jaén. Read More »

Researchers from the University of Jaén and PROEMO present the initiatives PROCARE, PROADEMO, Digitas and Level UP to representatives of the Participe+ Network, youth technical staff and educational professionals.

These projects were presented in the framework of a training day on health and emotional well-being of young people organized in Puente Genil by this network of municipalities of Jaén, Seville and Córdoba. 17/11/2023.- The initiatives to promote the mental health of adolescents PROCARE, PROADEMO, Digitas and Level UP have been the protagonists of a

Researchers from the University of Jaén and PROEMO present the initiatives PROCARE, PROADEMO, Digitas and Level UP to representatives of the Participe+ Network, youth technical staff and educational professionals. Read More »

The Participe+ Network organizes in Puente Genil a training day on health and emotional wellbeing of young people with the participation of the PROEMO Network.

Researchers from the University of Jaén, under the umbrella of PROEMO, will present the initiatives for the promotion of health and emotional well-being of young people PROCARE, PROADEMO, Digitas or Level Up on Wednesday, November 15. 13/11/2023.- The Participe+ Network organizes this Wednesday, November 15, a training day on health and emotional well-being of young

The Participe+ Network organizes in Puente Genil a training day on health and emotional wellbeing of young people with the participation of the PROEMO Network. Read More »

Researchers from the University of Jaén and the PROEMO network present the PROCARE initiative to the educational community of IES Virgen de la Cabeza de Marmolejo.

Informative meeting with the management team, parents, classroom delegates and representatives of the municipal corporation to develop the keys to PROCARE-Marmolejo and collect testimonies for the creation of PROADEMO project materials and the PROEMO roadmap.   7/11/2023.- Researchers from the University of Jaén (UJA) and members of the PROEMO network presented yesterday the PROCARE initiative

Researchers from the University of Jaén and the PROEMO network present the PROCARE initiative to the educational community of IES Virgen de la Cabeza de Marmolejo. Read More »

Luis Joaquín García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén, evaluates possible synergies between the PROEMO Network and the Seville City Council

New telematic meeting with the General Director of Family, Equality, Youth and Associations of the Sevillian City Council, Laura Martínez, to analyze the feasibility of the implementation of the PROCARE initiative in the young population of Seville and the progress of PROADEMO. 31/10/2023.- Luis Joaquín García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén (UJA),

Luis Joaquín García, Professor of Psychology at the University of Jaén, evaluates possible synergies between the PROEMO Network and the Seville City Council Read More »

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